Saturday, March 16, 2013

21 Weeks

Thank you to all who had such kind feedback on our gender reveal video.  We are glad you liked it!  And we couldn't be happier to share the news about our little nugget.  

I am officially 21 weeks! Past the halfway mark!  Kinda scary if I really start thinking about it.  There's so much to do before the baby gets here, it's beginning to seem overwhelming.  I just need to make a giant To Do list.  On a more exciting note, Andy felt our little girl kick him for the very first time.  According to our ultrasound, she is laying transversely.  Where he felt her kick was more where her head is, so maybe she was giving him a high five :)  I love bedtime because that is when she is the most active!  I haven't felt her get the hiccups yet, but I think I just might melt a little when that day comes.  

At 21 weeks, our little girl is about the size of a pomegranate!  She is 10 1/2 inches from head to toe, and weighs over 12 ounces.  This week, her digestive system is starting to work as it preps for the outside world.  And, she already has all of her eggs in her womb - about 6 million! 

I feel like my bump gets bigger every day!  I imagine the random stranger touching my belly is just around the corner.  For those of you who know me, you can definitely tell I am pregnant.  However, for strangers I think it is harder to tell.  I think they just think I am chunky.... or have a beer belly.  There was a new nurse at my doctor's visit on Monday and she asked if I was 8 weeks pregnant.  8 weeks!?  Most people aren't even showing at 8 weeks.  I think my pregnancy hormones made me feel a little more offended than I should.  Oh well, at least I'm not being asked if I am having twins or triplets. Alas, here is the 21 week bump pic:

Symptoms:  Got light headed and dizzy this week for the first time in my whole pregnancy.  I think I drank too much water that morning and not enough food before I went to work.  I told my doctor, and he said it was probably just low blood sugar and to call him if it kept happening.  Also, I had an evening of morning sickness again this past week.  No big deal, just odd after having no morning sickness for almost a month.  Other symptoms include increased RHR and respiratory rate, and a lot slower mile splits on my runs.  /cry

Weight Gain:  Almost 10 lbs!  I don't worry about being able to lose the weight after the baby, but I do hope my skin isn't saggy around my midsection.  That thought haunts me.

Cravings:  pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, dark chocolate (although I've been resisting), and pasta salad.  I am already looking forward to this weekend.  The hubby and I are going to break out the new weber kettle tonight and grill and make asparagus and pasta salad!  Seriously can't wait... I've been looking forward to it allllll week.

Gender:  GIRL!!!!!

Stretch Marks?:  None yet, but my belly button is starting to look funny.  Still a very deep innie, but just weird.

Exciting happenings:  Andy getting to feel the baby kick

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