Thursday, April 25, 2013

27 Weeks! and a Terrible Tuesday

Tuesday was kind of a crazy night.  I was waiting for Andy to get home from work, so I decided to have a little snack.  I was sitting on the floor in front of my computer, when I suddenly got this sharp ache in my stomach.  I stood up, thinking maybe it was just the way I was sitting, but the pain was still there.  The pain started getting worse, and it was in such a strange spot!  It was a stabbing pain right below my sternum in between my two rib cages.  Definitely not where baby is laying, but I still started to get really nervous.  The pain got to the point where I couldn't even stand up straight all of the way, and I started puking.  Despite the pain being so high, I couldn't get the thought out of my head that something was wrong with our little girl.  Internally, I was freaking out.  I thought, if this is a Braxton Hicks, there's no way I am going to make it through labor!  Laying down, sitting, standing, and writhing on the bathroom floor did not make the pain worse or better.  I started getting really scared because the pain was not changing, and I hoped I wouldn't pass out from it. After about 20 minutes of this, I managed to call Andy, and he drove home. . . a little faster than legal.  Puke bucket in tow, we headed to the ER.  In the 8 minute drive to the ER, the pain started to alleviate, and then all together went away.  No pain even when I pushed on the affected area or when I changed positions. . . WTF?!  We sat in the parking lot of the ER debating on whether or not to go inside.  My dad had called us while we were on our way to the hospital, so they met us up there too. . . but still, no more pain.  I called my OB's after hours nurse hotline, but I had to wait for him to call me back.  

So there I was sitting in the parking lot at the ER, with no more symptoms.  I still was debating on whether or not to get checked out and simply hear the baby's heartbeat, but decided I would wait to hear from my OB.  I kind of felt stupid at the time making such a fuss.  My dad thinks it was a hiatal hernia.  A hiatal hernia is when the stomach herniates through the diaphragm and pinches off blood supply.  It can cause GERD like symptoms as well as pain and nausea.  Luckily, I started feeling baby kick so we headed home and decided to just wait until my doctor called me back.  When he did, he said since I was feeling baby kick, she is most likely fine and the pain was not in an area that I should be concerned about pregnancy wise.  Huge relief. . . although I still feel quite silly.  However, I am grateful for a hubby who took such good care of me and my supportive and knowledgeable parents.

Back to baby - - We've made it to 27 weeks!  Depending on which website you go by, I am either in my third trimester now or have less than a week to go.  Either way, I am getting more and more excited to meet our little girl.  I haven't gotten much more finished on her nursery, but I do have some more ideas that I can't wait to start.  Still haven't taken any pictures of the new paint color or curtains, but they're coming. . . I promise.  At 27 weeks, baby's brain is continuing to develop.  Also, she is practicing her breathing by inhaling and exhaling amnionic fluid. She is about 13 - 14 1/2 inches long now, and weighs about as much as a rutabaga! 

Here is my 27 week bump!

Symptoms:  frequent potty breaks, and trouble doing certain exercises that were once easy

Weight Gain:  16 lbs (Holy mother)

Cravings:  No real cravings this week, just always hungry

Stretch Marks:  None yet

Belly Button:  Same, still an innie

Labor Signs:  None

Exciting Happenings:  My almost trip to the hospital, buying the rest of the fabric for the baby's crib bedding, and sunny jogs outside

Sunday, April 21, 2013

26 Weeks!

I am 26 weeks pregnant... only 93 days left! I feel like there is so much to do still, that I wonder if I will ever get it done in time.  Plus, the weeks just keep flying by! Most of the baby stuff seems to only get done on the weekends.  If only the weekends were longer! According to some websites, the third trimester starts either the 27th or 28th week.  It just depends on which website you look at.  I am going by 28 weeks because that is what my doctor goes by.  So either tomorrow or next Monday is the last day of my 2nd trimester!  Where is the time going?

Yesterday, I went to my mom's and she helped me make made the curtains for baby's nursery!  This was only like my 2nd time sewing anything... so it was definitely a learning experience.  I am so happy with the way they turned out!  Once I paint the curtain rod and hang them, I will post pics.  

I think I had my first Braxton Hicks contraction this week.  Since I've never had one before, I'm not sure if that's what that was.  It just felt like a hardening or tightening of my abs.  It was hard to tell if that was me or her curling up in a little ball pushing outward on my abs.  It only lasted like 15 seconds, so I'm still not sure.  

At 26 weeks, our baby is the size of a head of lettuce!  She's between 13 - 14 inches and weighs about 2 - 2 1/2 pounds.  This week, her eyes are continuing to develop, and she already has little eyelashes!  She has been moving around a lot more lately, and sometimes I think I can tell where her head and little tiny bottom are! Also, depending on the shape of my bump each day, I can tell whether she is lying transverse or upside down.  Our little girl loves to move all around like a little fishy. 

Here is my 26 1/2 week bump pic:

Symptoms:  Fatigue, crazy dreams, and waking up 2x a night to go to the bathroom

Weight Gain:  15 lbs.

Cravings:  Green apples and quesadillas

Stretch Marks:  None yet! Praying I don't get any before our vacation to the beach

Belly Button:  Still in, just looking a little less deep each day

Labor Signs:  First BH this week! ( I think )

Exciting happenings:  Finished curtains, upcoming vacation, and warmer weather

Sunday, April 14, 2013

25 Week Bumpdate!

Spring weather is officially here! Finally. . . . I was singing my winter blues a little too long this year.  I have been taking advantage of taking Apollo out with me on my runs so he can get some non-snowy exercise too.  He loves it almost as much as I do.

This has been such a great week! I had a couple of "firsts."  I had my first stranger notice I was pregnant.  I was running at Creve Coeur Lake, and 2 ladies were walking with strollers.  I had one of them jaw drop (I think in disapproval) and loudly whisper to her friend, "OMG she's running while she's pregnant!"  Sure, she might've been being judgmental, but I was elated.  Finally, strangers are noticing I'm pregnant instead of being chubby with a beer belly!  Also, this week, I had my first belly pat.  I was totally okay with it though.  It was one of the girls from my night class, and she politely asked first.  These two made my week.

My 24 week appointment went great!  Doctor had to measure both sides of my tummy because baby was tucked up on the left side in a little ball.  The right side was completely "flat," so the measurements on each side differed by several centimeters.  He gave me the lovely orange sugar water, and next week I am going in for the GD test.  Oh boy!  I am already dreading drinking it, but I am looking forward to having another health update to know whether or not baby is at risk.  Also, I got the all clear from my doctor to fly in a couple weeks.  I will be about 7 months, but since I am not high risk he said it was no big deal at all.  Can't wait to relax on a sunny beach!

At 25 weeks, our little girl is the size of a cauliflower!  She is over a foot long, and weighs between 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 pounds! I can definitely tell she is growing, because I can feel a lot more movement now.  I think she must have gone through a growth spurt these past 2 weeks because even Andy is noticing my ever growing belly.  The other day he looked at me and was like, "Hey! There's a baby right there!"  I think it was the first time he really noticed the prego-pooch. It was so cute because normally he never says anything about it . . . that's probably wise of him :)  I am loving finally looking pregnant instead of just chubby.  Sure, it's not my ideal image, but I love knowing that I am pregnant and baby girl is growing.  

Here is my 25 week bump pic:

Symptoms:  round ligament pain, and increased appetite (but starting to have to eat smaller portions. . . I think I am running out of room in there!) 

Weight Gain:  14 1/2 lbs! I knew we were both growing!

Cravings:  Donuts (weird because I never really liked them before I got pregnant), mango anything, stuffed artichokes, and tacos

Stretch Marks: None yet

Belly Button: Still in, but looks different this week than it did last week

Labor Signs:  No BH yet

Exciting Happenings:  Deciding on a name, and got the nursery painted! Pics to come once we put the furniture back! Also, tentatively decided on nursery fabrics.  Can't wait to share!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy V-Day! (24 weeks)

So, technically this post is a little late, but we'll call it V-Week.  For those of you who don't know, V-day stands for Viability Day.  That means our little nugget has grown so much that if she were born today, her chances of surviving have jumped considerably! When you are pregnant, every little milestone you pass is something to celebrate.

At 24 weeks, our little girl is the size of a cantaloupe! Okay, technically she weighs as much as a cantaloupe, and is a little longer.  She is about a foot long now!  I was reading somewhere that at 24 weeks, my uterus is the size of a soccer ball!  No wonder my old jeans and shirts are feeling a little snug.... actually quite snug. This week, her skin is becoming more opaque and less translucent.  She is also growing more capillaries so her skin is starting to take on the pinkish glow.  

Here is my 24 week bump!

Symptoms: A bunch of weird dreams this week, plus waking up a lot at night. Some round ligament pain

Weight Gain: Find out on Monday for sure at my next appt, but I think about 13 lbs.

Cravings:  Lots of fruit still, and anything cheesy

Stretch Marks: None yet

Belly Button: Still in

Labor Signs: No Braxton Hicks yet... that I am aware of.

Exciting Happenings:  Andy's new job and no more snow, hopefully!  (For those of you who know me know I detest snow and cold weather). Also, we were laying in bed last night and noticed a huge bulge on the right side of my belly, but completely flat on the left side. Our little nugget was tucked away in a ball on the right side of me and she felt rock hard! So cute!
Also, we MAY have decided on a name!