Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Hello, Second Trimester!

It's official! I made it to the 2nd trimester! So many things to be grateful for:

1.  This week is the best I've felt my entire pregnancy! Only got sick once!
2.  The risk of miscarriage has gone wayyyy down!
3.  Another week closer to finding out the gender of Baby I
4.  I get to go shopping for maternity clothes soon! Anyone have any tips for some inexpensive but cute clothes? I am not buying a whole new wardrobe, as I will only be wearing them for a few months. However, I do need a few staples, plus some fun pieces to make me not feel so blah!

At 14 weeks, Baby I is the size of a lemon! Holy cow!  Baby is able to wiggle its fingers and toes, and its kidneys are fully functioning now! Baby has almost doubled in weight in one week!!!  I've definitely noticed a change in my body from last week to this week.  In my non-stretch skinny jeans, I've had to resort to the rubberband technique in order to not be uncomfortable while wearing them.  My other jeans still fit ok, but I am kinda looking forward to wearing the cute maternity jeans Andy got me for Christmas. I am definitely looking forward to finally looking pregnant instead of just feeling chubby and bloated.  When does this normally happen?  I know everyone is different, so I really shouldn't compare myself to how early other people start showing.  Nevertheless, I have a feeling that pretty soon I will have a bump getting in my way, and I will miss this stage where I just feel a little pregnant.  

Alas, enough jabbering. Here is my 14 1/2 week bump!

Symptoms: Difficulty catching my breath while running hills or speed intervals, potty breaks 24/7, crazy ridiculous dreams, and way less morning sickness!

Weight Gain: According to my scale, 3 lbs

Cravings:  Chipotle burritos, Orange Leaf frozen yogurt, fajitas, macaroni and cheese, and mango everything!

Gender Prediction: I've been hearing girl from a lot of people, but it's a 50/50 chance!

Friday, January 18, 2013

13 Weeks Preggo

Who knew 13 weeks could go by so fast! 3 more days and I will be completely done with my first trimester! From what I've heard, the 2nd trimester is the best, so I am really looking forward to these next few months! Incoming BABY BUMP!!! While the thought of weight gain to any woman is frightening and unwanted, I am slowly coming to terms with it.  Obviously, in order to have a healthy pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable.  The fear of never having my old body back makes me the most scared.  It will be hard work, but I know I can do it.  Meanwhile, I will continue with my exercises as normal and keep as healthy as I can for Baby I and myself. Here is my 13 week belly pic! I realized from my last pictures that tighter clothing will help show the progression of my growing belly as opposed to the slouchy sweaters I have been wearing.

Symptoms: Decreased vomiting!!! Now down to only about 2-3 times a week!!! However, I got my FIRST headache in about 8 years. I've heard headaches can be pregnancy related. I think I can feel my round ligaments stretching, but I'm not 100% sure.

Weight Gain:  According to my last appt on Monday, I am up 2 pounds! *cringe*

Cravings: Mango, mango, mango, honeymustard chicken wraps (lettuce, grilled chicken, honeymustard dressing all wrapped in a spinach tortilla!) My lunch for the past 5 days

Miss anything?: sleeping the whole night without having to get up to go to the bathroom, being able to do box jumps, burpees, jump rope, and jumping jacks without having to go to the bathroom, and being able to go on long runs without having to worry about making it to a store to use their public restroom

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12 Weeks!

I am officially 12 and a half weeks! Baby I is now the size of a plum! He or she is developing reflexes too. I read that if you apply gentle pressure to your abdomen, the baby will move in response! How crazy is that! Hopefully not too much longer, and I will be able to feel the first flutters of the baby moving. 

One more week, and I will be through my first trimester. Let the puking subside! Apparently, with the 2nd trimester, comes dizziness and headaches, but I think I will gladly take that over vomiting!

Here is my 12 week belly pic! 

Symptoms: Increased trips to the bathroom, exercise induced bathroom trips, morning sickness, the feeling of always being hungry

Cravings: still green apples, pears, mango smoothies, mango yogurt, and mango sorbet... basically anything MANGO! pretzel crisps, and string cheese

Showing: sometimes later on in the day after I've eaten, a little bump appears, but then it's gone when I wake up in the morning

Miss anything:  sleeping through the night, being able to go on a long run outside without worrying where I might find a bathroom, deer sausage, big sub sandwiches, and extra dark, double fudge brownies.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

11 Weeks

We're officially 11 weeks!  Baby I is approximately the size of a lime!  I still can't feel kicks or movement yet, but apparently the little one is moving around a lot stretching their little limbs.  This morning I woke up and before noon, I had already peed 9 times! I don't expect that to let up anytime soon. 

Symtoms: spontaneous burping and sneezing. No warning whatsoever! Did anyone else ever experience this?

Cravings: rice, salsa, pears, blueberries, and Wingstop's french fries

Gender prediction: boy?

Showing: No bump yet, but definitely a loss of definition in my abs. Feeling slightly bloated in the lower midsection

Miss anything?: Margaritas, Starbucks, and Queso Blanco Cheese

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

9-10 Weeks

Due to the craziness of the holidays, I missed my chance at taking a 9 week picture.  During my 9th week of pregnancy, Baby I was the size of a green olive! This week, we told our extended family of the exciting news as well.  We blew up a picture of our baby announcement pictures and framed them.  We wrapped them and gave them to his grandmas on each side of the family for them to open on Christmas.  

My morning sickness hasn't let up yet.  Some days aren't so bad, whereas other days are a plethora of nausea and puking.  The feeling of hungriness tends to set off the puking episodes, so I try to always have snacks available. 

10 weeks update: Baby I is the size of a prune!

Andy bought me a pair of maternity jeans for Christmas! I haven't worn them yet, but it will be nice to have once I can't fit into my skinny jeans anymore.  
Gender prediction: Andy thinks its a boy
Weight gain: 1 lb
Cravings: Still sour foods (grapefruit, sour apples, oranges) and salsa!