Sunday, February 3, 2013

15 Weeks

A lot of great things this week! Baby Ingrassia is the size of an orange! I can definitely tell our little nugget is growing in there. I think I took about 5 naps this week alone! Additionally, I have had a lot of abdominal muscle pain the past few days.  It feels like I tried to drink wayyy too much water and my stomach is attempting to stretch to fit.  Not the most comfortable feeling, but it's exciting to think about our little nugget growing in there! The nausea is continuing to dwindle, although not gone completely (still grateful!). 

Secondly, we bought our crib and changing table this week!  Sooooo excited!  My daddy came over on Saturday and helped me put everything together also, so our boring guest room is starting to look more like a nursery!  It makes me so happy to think that someday, there will be a mini-me sleeping in there.

Also this week, it switched from January to February.  I can hardly believe how fast this year is already flying by!  I love the month of February.  Despite my obvious distaste for winter and cold temps, February is one of my favorite months.  Reasons? :
1.  Last full month of winter!
2.  Superbowl falls in February
3.  My half birthday is in Feburary :)
4.  Primrose (and violet) is February's flower (any Hunger Games fans out there?)
5.  And my favorite of all---- Valentine's Day is this month!

Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays... 2nd favorite to be exact, a close second to 4th of July.  Why, you ask?  Besides having an excuse to celebrate the love you share with your significant other, growing up it was the best!  In school, we always got to decorate our own Valentine's mailboxes and hand out candy and cute cards to everyone.  Plus, the day was filled with fun crafts and activities and snacks. It was the best!  Plus, when else can red and pink look so amazing together? Also, our daddy used to have a little heart chocolate box waiting for us in the morning when we woke up.... so sweet!  Lastly, what makes Valentine's Day so special is our annual scavenger hunt.  Every year, my mom puts together a mini scavenger hunt complete with rhyming limerick clues and fantastic loot at the end.  It's... The.... Best!

Back to our little Mediterrasian, here is their 15 week closeup!

Symptoms: stomach muscle pain, soooo tired, 24/7 potty breaks, crying while watching sappy Youtube videos, and very odd dreams

Weight Gain:  according to my scale: 3 1/2 lbs

Cravings:  Chipotle burritos, Orange Leaf frozen yogurt

Any Movement:  haven't felt anything yet, but am getting excited!

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