Sunday, February 10, 2013

16 Weeks

Hello 4 months! This has been an interesting week.  I finally told all my clients that I was expecting, so that is a huge load off my chest.  They were all very excited and of course had a lot of questions and advice :)  Also, I signed up for the Cottleville Truffle Shuffle this past weekend!  It was a 4 mile race, and at the end you get hot chocolate, a chocolate medal, and there is a chocolate fondue fountain!

Unfortunately, at 3:30 am on the morning of the race, I woke up with a stomach virus! Apparently it's been going around, and I happened to catch it.  Needless to say, I did not get to run in the race.  Super disappointed.  Even while throwing up at 5:30 am, I was still hoping I was going to feel better in time to make the race by 8:30.  Definitely didn't happen.  Instead, I spent the next 24 hours puking non-stop.  My mom brought over a bunch of low sugar gatorades to prevent dehydration and loss of electrolytes.  If only I had been able to keep it down! I was so worried about Baby I, but my doctor said not to worry until it had been 36 hours of not being able to keep anything in my stomach.  Most people with this flu said it took about 48-72 hours to clear up.  When I heard that, I got really discouraged.  I was already feeling terrible with the worst body aches and nausea I have ever had.  Morning sickness was nothing compared to this!  Luckily, I got some sleep last night, and I managed to keep everything down today.  I am hoping I am over the worst, and it can only get better from here on out.

Now, on to happier news! I hope I didn't make you sick listening to me talk about throwing up.  At 16 weeks, Baby I is the size of an avocado!!! The bones are forming in the ears now, so the baby will be able to start picking up sounds and voices! Still haven't felt any movement yet, but I am getting more and more anxious for those first little flutters.  Also, baby has formed taste buds, and will be able to detect different flavors in the amnionic fluid.  How crazy is that?

This week, before I got the stomach virus, was the best I've felt my whole pregnancy.  While I am still exhausted (especially in the afternoons), the morning sickness is all but non-existent!  I have gotten into the routine of taking a nap almost every day.  I simply can't find a pillow fast enough in the afternoons and evenings.  Dinner has gone unmade several times this week due to my inability to wake up in time. That about wraps this week up! Here is my 16 week baby bump:

Symptoms: fatigue, mood swings (sometimes ridiculously ecstatic and other times overwhelmed and frustrated), and dreams of people from my past and childhood

Weight Gain: None. I think I was up 1 pound from last week, but after that nasty flu I am back down a few pounds.

Cravings: Mexican food, grilled sandwiches, and plums

Exciting happenings:  I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow!

Nursery Progress: None this week :(  Just millions of ideas from Pinterest!

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