Saturday, January 5, 2013

11 Weeks

We're officially 11 weeks!  Baby I is approximately the size of a lime!  I still can't feel kicks or movement yet, but apparently the little one is moving around a lot stretching their little limbs.  This morning I woke up and before noon, I had already peed 9 times! I don't expect that to let up anytime soon. 

Symtoms: spontaneous burping and sneezing. No warning whatsoever! Did anyone else ever experience this?

Cravings: rice, salsa, pears, blueberries, and Wingstop's french fries

Gender prediction: boy?

Showing: No bump yet, but definitely a loss of definition in my abs. Feeling slightly bloated in the lower midsection

Miss anything?: Margaritas, Starbucks, and Queso Blanco Cheese

1 comment:

  1. This is a really really neat blog , Chelsea. I didn't even know you had announced your pregnancy! Congrats! You and Andy will be fantastic parents!
