Saturday, November 23, 2013

4 months!

My oh my!  Where has the time gone?!  Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and our little Eva is officially 4 months old.  I was waiting to post this until after we went to her pediatrician appointment so I could add in her growth data.  Our little nugget has sprouted to 24 1/4 inches long, and 13 lbs and 7 ounces!  This puts her at about the 30th percentile for both height and weight.  This is about where she was when she was born, so I'd say she is healthy and growing!  However, her head circumference is 16 1/4 inches, which puts her at about the 80th percentile!  My little nugget has a big ole noggin haha!    It's beginning to make sense on why she got stuck on my pubic bone now during labor.  Andy says it's because she's Asian... whatever.

We had a lot of "firsts" this month.  Eva started sleeping on her left side at night, just like her daddy.  She can also roll over from front to back and back to front now!  The back to front is a new one.  She can also sit up by herself if you prop her hands out in front of her.  She looks like a little tripod and gives you the biggest smile.  My little Miss Independent.  Eva has started enjoying Apollo a lot more as well.  She used to not pay any attention to him, but now he is her best friend.  I can put her on the rug next to him, and she will coo and laugh at him for the longest time!  He is so nice to her as well and even lets her grab his ears and pull his fur.  She also has found her toes, and grabs them all the time now.

Unfortunately, a not so fun first, Eva got her first cold last week.  Poor girl came down with a cold and got her shots the next day.  Luckily, she had no fever or reaction to the vaccinations, so she just had to deal with a hoarse voice and a stuffy nose.  Lastly, the pediatrician okayed us to start giving Eva cereal as well!  We waited until a couple days after her shots, to make sure if she had a reaction we'd know whether or not it was the oats or the vaccinations.  We bought some baby oats the other day, and mixed up a couple teaspoons.  Her tongue thrust reflex kept pushing them out onto her bib, but she managed to swallow maybe one or two bites.  It only lasted a couple minutes though, before she got frustrated and mad and started crying!  It was endearing and pitiful at the same time.  We'll keep trying though, and soon she'll be downing those oats like a champ.  Each day seems to be more fun than the last.  She is becoming more mobile, more independent, more engaged, and more physical.  She loves to reach for anything you put in front of her.  I now have to push my plate and utensils away from me when she sits on my lap, otherwise she will pick them right up!

I can't wait for Eva's first Thanksgiving!  I may just sneak her a bite of sweet potato casserole or mashed potatoes.  How can I resist when she stares at my spoon with each bite I take?!  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've compiled a list of Eva's favorites and things she is grateful for (from her mommy's eyes).

10 Things Eva is grateful for:

1.  Mommy and Daddy
2.  Grandparents
3.  Milk
4.  Apollo
5.  Her clear paci
6.  Bath time
7.  Riding on Daddy's shoulders
8.  Polly Mayflower (her stuffed doll)
9.  Her seahorse glow worm
10.  Alphabet song

Last of all, here is Eva's wiggly 4 month snapshot!

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