Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tis the Season!

Tis the season.... to celebrate summer!  If you know me at all, you know I love the summer time.  When we were kids, it meant no school, watermelon, trips to the library to rent 25 books at a time, going to the zoo, barbecues in the backyard, catching fireflies, swimming all day long only to take breaks for kool-aid and chips and salsa by the pool, and the best of all- 4th of July!!! I can't explain it, but the 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday.  Besides the fact that we are celebrating America's birthday and remembering those who fought for our freedom, there's so much more from my childhood that has made the holiday so special.  Maybe it's because when I was little, we used to have my whole family come over for a backyard barbecue while the cousins swam in the pool, jumped on the trampoline, and played hide and seek in the dark.  Man, those were the days.  Then we got to finish the evening off with fireworks and popsicles.  To this day, I have fond memories of the holiday, so it remains my favorite.

Speaking of the holidays, patriotic colors are THE BEST!  I have been dressing Eva up in red, white and blue since Memorial Day.  She is the cutest thing.  I can't get enough of her.  As I mentioned in my previous post, she is now walking... and boy is she ever!  She won't stay still!  She's my little wiggle worm.  She has begun to enter a needy, clingy, yet independent stage.  It's hard to explain.  She wants to be around you and always in her sight, but she wants to do everything herself.  She is definitely becoming her own little person, and I adore her.  I look forward to my days off more than ever now, not because I don't have to go to school or work, but because I get to do something fun and exciting with her!  I love taking her on mommy-daughter dates and outings.

Yesterday we did her cake smash photo shoot.  I can't wait to see the finished images and share them!  It was so fun because my talented mother-in-law took the pictures, so they are even more special.  Plus, I made my own chalkboard sign, which took up most of my Saturday afternoon, so I am pretty proud of that :)  Pictures to come soon!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and a very safe and patriotic 4th of July! Here are some summery pics of our life lately!

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