Tuesday, June 17, 2014

11 Months!

I'm finally heartbroken watching my baby get so big.  Before, it was such a joy watching her grow and learn new things.  Don't get me wrong, the older she gets the more fun she gets as well.  I never thought I could have so much fun with an 11 month old.  But now that we're only a month away from turning the big ONE, I am so sad.  The time has gone entirely too fast.  Some days are long, but the weeks just fly by.  Where did my baby go?  I can't believe I'm about to be a mom of a toddler! Ahhhh!!!

I have started getting busy planning her birthday party.  Invitations are ordered and recipes have been bookmarked.  It's just going to be a small affair, but I wanted invitations and some cute pictures to celebrate her first birthday and put in the final pages of her baby book.  We're not going too over the top on her first birthday, but I couldn't let this landmark go by unnoticed!  I can't wait to share pictures as things come together.

Eva has sure been busy this past month!  She isn't solely walking yet, but she is taking steps!  Her preferred method of mobility is still crawling, but she lights up every time we cheer her on for taking steps.  I think the most she has taken at a time has been 9.  It's so darling.  She still only has 2 teeth, but I can tell she is working on a few more.  She has constantly been chewing on her finger, and also been a little extra clingy lately.  She can now go all the way up our stairs in the blink of an eye.  She is so fast!  Still taking 2 naps a day, and the mommy breaks are much needed.  She is a little energy sapper!  I am looking forward to the transition to just one nap though.  We will be able to spend much more time hanging out with friends! 

One of Eva's favorite things to do now is to read books.  Sometimes she crawls over to her bin of books and pulls one out and brings it to me to read to her.  How can I say no to that?  Her favorite books are the ones with little flaps to look behind or ones with animals in it.  She likes to point to an animal and I tell her what noise it makes.  It's a fun little game we play.  She's actually getting pretty good at saying animal sounds herself!  She can do a snake, dog, owl, cow, and an osprey.  I know an osprey is kinda random, but while we were on vacation, there was an osprey nest right outside the window that she started imitating.  She's pretty good at imitating things.  She will try to make the noise you are making whenever she can!  She now says ma, dada, hi, hey, and poop on command.  Her newest word is "thank you" but she only gets the "tha-" part so far.  It comes out more of a "tha-na".  She also is working on "no," but mostly she shakes her head.

This past month she was entirely too sweet!  She loves to give short cuddles (like 1/2 second cuddles).  She will crawl over to you, climb in your lap, give you a snuggle, and then turn right back around and go back to what she was doing.  It's so sweet.  If only she would sit still for more than 5 seconds! Her kisses are adorable too.  She opens her mouth really wide and says "ahhhhhhh!!!" when she wants a kiss.  She then will proceed to say "ahhh" as she lays one right on your face... or anywhere for that matter.  I've had her open mouth kiss our dog's leg before.  Ugh, I just keep telling myself she's strengthening her immune system.

Since the weather has been so nice lately, we've been going to the park A LOT.  It's great because I can get my run in for the day as well.  We drive down to the river, put her in the jogger, and we run to the park!  Then I get her out and push her in the swing for a while.  Eva could swing all day if we let her.  Then we run back to the car and drive home.  It's the best little outing ever!  We both get to do the things that we love.  The other day, we went on our very first mommy and baby date!  We took a cheat day from our clean eating and went to the mall.  We did a little bit of Father's Day shopping and Eva wardrobe shopping, and then we stopped at the food court for a snack.  We shared some Japanese Hibachi grill and shared a smoothie from Orange Julius.  I was in heaven, and I'm pretty sure she was too.  I can't wait for more days just like that.  It was seriously one of the most fun things ever!  

That pretty much sums up our month!  Now that I've started classes again, it's hard to find time to do fun stuff together as a family.  But the days that we do get to do a fun outing are so much sweeter.  Cheers to summer days.... the best season of all! 

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