Life has been seemingly busier than usual, so I haven't had the time to update as often as I would like. My last post was right before her 2 month appointment, where she did end up having to get some shots. I thought ahead and brought her Vitamin D drops with us, in order to help soothe her after the shots. She LOVES the fruity D drops, and so I thought it might be a nice distraction from the pain. Luckily, she ended up being so brave during the shots, and only cried until I picked her up. We gave her the D drops anyway, just for being such a good girl :) At her 2 month appointment, she was up to a whoppin' 10 pounds 10 ounces! She has also grown to be 22.5 inches long. I can't believe how big she is getting!
The month of September was so great. September is definitely my favorite month. It's still warm out, but fall is in the air and Pumpkin Spice lattes begin to grace the Starbucks menu. I had my first coffee since before I was pregnant last week (granted it was decaff) We got to take Eva to the Du Quoin State Fair in Illinois. It was a first for both of us! Also, Eva has gotten on somewhat of a schedule, so it has made our lives a little less hectic and sporadic. Andy and I got to celebrate our 2 year anniversary as well. He was off that day, so we slept in, went out to lunch, cooked a great dinner, and relaxed at home. To continue on with our tradition, we also moved our bed down to our living room to sleep. Back when we first moved into our condo, we were getting new carpet upstairs so we couldn't move any furniture up there until it was installed. Thus, we spent the first few weeks of our marriage sleeping in the living room :) It has become a tradition that every year on our anniversary night, we move our bed downstairs to go to bed. It was all the more fun this year with our added bundle of joy!

Now, at 3 months she is as cute as ever. Her cheeks seem to get bigger and bigger! No doctor's appointment this month, so that means no shots either! She has started to enjoy tummy time a lot more because she can push herself up with her arms a lot higher for a lot longer. I think she thinks she is cool because she can look around while being independent. Speaking of looking around, this little girl LOVES to look around! She hates the cradle hold now, and pretty much only wants to be held facing out. Also, she seems to know when you are sitting or standing, and definitely wants you to be standing while you are holding her. She is such a little stinker!

Another noteworthy thing she has done this past month is drooling excessively! I started putting a bib on her sometimes so she doesn't get her clothes all wet. Also, she is getting stronger physically! She has increased head control and can stand up while we are holding onto her hands. Andy likes to hold her over his head with one arm under her tummy. She loves it, and looks like superwoman! Her favorite song is the alphabet song, but I still try to sing her the "Presidents" song and "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad" a couple times a week. She has also started enjoying books, and we read a Dr. Seuss ABC book or my cookbooks with pictures. She seems to enjoy looking at the food as much as I do! One of her favorite past times is bath time. She loves to kick and splash in the water. She also seems to enjoy getting her diaper changed. Maybe she just likes feeling naked!

I will try to post pictures and update as often as I can, but I can guarantee it won't be weekly like before. I try to use every free minute to clean, eat, shower, exercise, or run errands. Blogging is definitely not high on my priority list. However, stay tuned for a festive update : Eva's first Halloween!
FYI, it's extremely hard to get a non blurry picture of babies' hands while they flail around! These are the best I got of our little nugget