Friday, January 9, 2015

The Holiday Season... Whoop Dee doo!

We've kept busy throughout this holiday season.  Andy's unit got activated for Ferguson, so I was flying solo for about 2 weeks during Thanksgiving.  Needless to say, I got a little behind on schoolwork, cleaning, and Christmas shopping.  So, by the time he got home, I was in full on catch up mode.  Up until December 23rd, I felt like my schedule was jam packed! Luckily, I was able to pull off buying and wrapping everyone's Christmas presents, and it ended up being a really enjoyable Christmas.  

We got to spend a lot of time with family, and Eva had a lot of fun eating good food and opening presents.   I think it was a combination of getting to spend so much time with family, all the extra treats around, and the new toys, but she was in baby heaven.  She wasn't a big fan of Santa this year.  I took her to the mall, and she cried the instant I set her on his lap.  Even when Andy's dad dressed up as Santa this year, she freaked out.  Poor traumatized Eva-Diva.  Speaking of Diva, check out this super cute "throne" she got from Andy's parents!  She loves it... absolutely loves it.  She likes to run over to it and say "sit."  Or climb on top of it to get things off of the table.  She has become quite the little monkey these past few months.

(toes pointed)



Which brings me to my next topic, the fateful ER visit.  A few weeks ago, I was wrapping Christmas presents on our kitchen table.  Eva has figured out how to climb up on the chairs by herself, and she likes to sit and stand on them.  Unfortunately, on this occasion, she was wearing tights, and she slipped right off of the chair next to me and hit her head really hard!  She started crying, and within 7 seconds, started projectile vomiting all over her dress, my shirt, my arm, her tights, my jeans, my Uggs, and the floor.  I ended up stripping all our clothes in the sink, changing clothes and taking her straight to the ER in case she had a concussion.  Andy met us at the hospital, but luckily all they needed to do was monitor her for 3 hours.  She got graham crackers and apple juice and even a little coloring book and teddy bear.  Keeping her occupied in a room for 3 hours was a bit of a struggle, but she did fine.  In the 10 minute trip home, she fell asleep.  I felt bad waking her, because she decided on this special day she was only going to nap 45 minutes.  So, I laid her on the couch under a blanket for 15 minutes while I got dinner ready.  I went to wake her up, but she was so crabby!  She didn't want to be woken, but I figured it was the right thing to do.  As soon as I picked her up though, she puked all over my shirt again and all over the floor.  Yay.  I called the hospital pediatrician back again, but they didn't seem concerned, and said kids vomiting after a head injury was normal but to follow up with my normal pediatrician the next day or call back if something changed.  Followed up with her pedi and everything ended up checking out fine.  In fact, a lot of people in my family ended up spreading around a stomach virus right after that too, including Eva.  I'm wondering if it was a complete untimely coincidence.  Who knows, but it was definitely a scary moment for the both of us!

As far as New Years goes, we rang in 2015 in our jammies.  Eva tucked in bed, and Andy and I were in bed at a reasonable time too.  I worked on New Years morning at the hospital, so I needed to get to bed early.  I did get to head over to my parents afterwards for our annual eggs benedict brunch.  Such a fun family tradition that I look forward to every year!

Next post will be Eva's 18 month update as well as some New Years thoughts and plans.

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