Friday, January 30, 2015

One point five

This is what she does when I ask her to smile....

Take two... pretending to be a rhinoceros

Eva is 18 months!!! She is growing like a little bean sprout, in more ways than one.  Her personality and vocabulary has made leaps these past few months, and her legs are finally starting to grow a little bit.  She is as sweet as she is feisty.  I think we have our hands full.  I probably say this every post, but THIS is my favorite age so far.  She learns a new word or two every day.  I really have to watch what I say around her.  She is my little clone and repeats every word I utter.  She does so many things each day that make my heart smile.  I want to take her picture 100 times a day when she does these cute little poses or has an adorable expression or basically anything she does.  I'm pretty much obsessed.  I guess it's like this for every mom and their first born.  She just feels extra special to me because she's my first biological family member I've ever known.  My one and only blood connection to this earth.  Seems pretty special to me :)

We started baby gymnastics this month!  The first week didn't go very well.  She has been extra clingy lately, and gymnastics was no exception.  It was hard for me to put her down, so I was basically holding her the whole time while she cried and told me which things she did NOT want to do.  The next week went a bit better, and this past week even better.  She is warming up to the class and the people.  She's the youngest and the smallest one there too, so she can't do as much as the other girls, but I think she will enjoy everything once she warms up and tries it.  She even made a little friend!  She smiles every time I say her name :)

We had her 18 month appointment recently as well.  Poor little girl is below the 1% for her height! Guess she's going to be short like mama :)  Unfortunately, the doctor noticed a heart murmur that she never heard before.  She said it's most likely nothing to worry about, and that Eva will most likely grow out of it.  However, she's sent us to Cardinal Glennon for an echo to get things checked out.  I was so proud of my little nugget.  She didn't shed one tear, and she laid completely still on my lap while the tech stuck electrodes on her back and checked out her torso with the ultrasound.  We are still waiting to hear the results from that, so any prayers until then would be much appreciated!  

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