Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Made It to Term - 37 weeks!

I have officially made it to 37 weeks.  Holy cow!  This is what medical professionals like to call when the pregnancy reaches "term."  Basically, if baby Eva were born today, she would not be considered a preemie anymore.  That being said, it will also reduce the risk of having to spend time in the NICU now that she's further along.  It's crazy to think that she could come any day now.  I am feeling more at ease now because her car seat came in the mail and is now installed!

This past weekend, I had my final baby shower.  Like the other 2, the food was wonderful and everything was so much fun!  We are so grateful for everyone's generosity and well wishes.  We have everything we need for her arrival, but we just want to make a few final purchases before her big debut.  Hopefully we can get the shopping completed this week.  Plus, I need to stock up on groceries and prepare some frozen meals.

I had my 37 week appointment on Monday, and my doctor was pleased with my progress.  He was so encouraging because he said everything was measuring great as far as my fundal height, weight gain, and baby's position.  He started going over what to do when I go into labor, and when to go to the hospital.  I already knew all of the information he was giving me from my reading and the class we went to, but it made me nervous hearing him talk about it.  It makes our little girl's birthday seem tangible and so close!

Yesterday, I got a prenatal massage! I was so excited, and it was incredible.  Thank you to my amazing mother in law who bought this for me for my first mini Mother's Day.  Last night's sleep was the best I've had in weeks!

On to the little one - Baby Eva is the size of a winter melon! She is around 18 inches long and weighs about 6 pounds.  All of her crucial functions have developed, although over the next few weeks she will get bigger and stronger! Her weight gain is slowing to only a few ounces each week now, and soon she will run out of  wiggle room! 

37 week bump pic - I reached term! 

Symptoms:  Not very good sleep this week, so I've been extra tired in the afternoons.  Increased trips to the bathroom and a bigger belly. I haven't reached that miserably uncomfortable stage yet, but I have had to cut my runs down to every other day or else my hips and pelvic bones are sore.

Weight Gain:  22 1/2 lbs! 

Cravings:  Melon and Mexican food

Belly Button:  I think it's an in-betweeney.  It hasn't decided if it wants to pop out or not yet.

Stretch Marks:  None yet.  Although I read somewhere that sometimes they don't show up until after delivery, so I'm not holding my breath

Labor Signs:  Some non-painful Braxton Hicks and 2 cm dilated as of my appointment on Monday! 

Exciting Happenings:  Installed our car seat, got our maternity pictures back, and finishing her nursery! 

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