Friday, December 20, 2013

Festive 5 Months!

Happy 5 months to my darling Eva!  Each day, she brings me more and more joy.  I can't imagine life without her.  I feel like she is starting to look less like me or my baby pictures, but I still call her my "little clone." It's so fun to watch her little personality develop as we learn her likes and dislikes.  Overall, she is an extremely curious baby that always has to be looking around.  She makes great eye contact, and loves running errands with me.  She is so adventurous and gets bored easily.  There is always entertaining to do when she is awake!  Oddly enough, the vacuum is quite entertaining for her.  She enjoys watching me vacuum or dry my hair with extreme interest.  If she starts getting fussy or bored, we just whip out the vacuum and BOOM... instantly enamored.  Eva is starting to use her hands a lot more lately.  She can pick up things off the floor and stick them in her mouth... great.  She loves to pull her pacifier out of her mouth and pop it back in over and over.  I think it's some sort of game to her.  She started being able to give us high fives as well, and it's the cutest thing ever.  It melts my heart every time.

I know it's been a while since I last blogged, so I will try to recap the past month the best I can.  Thanksgiving was a little overwhelming.  There were so many people at my husband's family gathering, and I think Eva was a little overwhelmed.  She was fussy for what seemed like the entire time, and did not want to nap AT ALL.  I am so bummed because I did not get to take a picture of her Thanksgiving outfit!  I made her a cream and brown colored tutu, and she looked so adorable!  I actually had to change her out of it within the first hour we were there because she peed through her diaper on it!  Little stinker.  I'm also bummed because I feel like I didn't get to spend as much time visiting with everyone because she was requiring so much attention.  I think that Christmas will go over a little better, but we will see!  

Eva is starting to enjoy books a lot more now.  Before, she was simply too squirmy to let you sit and read her a book.  Now, you can hold her interest temporarily.  She still loves the alphabet song, music, pressing keys on my computer or parents' piano, her stuffed doll, water bottles, riding horsey back on our shoulders, standing up, and "the poop dance."  For those of you who don't know what the poop dance is, it's a little tune I made up to entertain her while I bicycle her legs.  When she was first born and was pooping all the time, I wanted to try to make sure she got all her poop out before I changed her diaper.  So I would bicycle, bounce, stretch, and scrunch her legs up while I sang to her.  Even now, she still loves it and thinks it's hilarious. 

As far as eating goes, it's going a lot better!  She is eating solids in the morning and in the evening.  So far, Eva has gotten to eat baby oatmeal, bananas, and avocado.  Tomorrow we are going to start sweet potatoes!  I already know she is going to love it.  I love watching the reaction on her face when she gets to try a new food for the first time.  It makes me want to give her a new food every day, but I know that's not safe.  I never realized how fun it would be to watch her experience ordinary items for the first time with such excitement.  It really makes the day to day things in life so much more entertaining.

Here are a few shots from this past month.  A little sneak peak into our life!

Here's a short clip of Eva babbling after eating her oatmeal.

And finally, here are her 5 month chalkboard pictures! 

Her chunky thighs make my heart smile!

That smile.... 

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are so cute! I love the one where she's past out in the jumper haha!
