Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello 3rd Trimester - 28 weeks!

Well, it's finally here!  The final trimester before we get to meet our little nugget.  I can't believe how fast time has flown by.  Of course, I might not be saying this if I had underwent a horrible symptomatic pregnancy.  I feel very lucky that I only had mild morning sickness, and it only lasted until about 16 weeks.  I imagine that the next couple of months I will become more and more uncomfortable, but for now I am feeling great!  Besides feeling like I swallowed a soccer ball, I sometimes even forget I am pregnant.  I have been able to continue with most of my regular workouts, excluding a few exercises such as supermans  :)  Being able to run (although slow as a turtle) and lift weights has been a great stress reliever and has helped me keep my sanity during these crazy past few months.  I can only imagine how my workouts will change post-pregnancy and have a little one to keep an eye on 24/7.

I just got back from my 28 week appointment, and my Dr says everything looks great! I am measuring right on track, so that means baby is continuing to grow, grow, grow!  Now, my appointments are going to be scheduled every 2 weeks.  We're getting so close to meeting our little nugget!

At 28 weeks, our little girl is the size of an eggplant!  She is around 14 inches long, and weighs around 2 pounds.  Her lungs are continuing to develop, and she is putting on some baby fat!  I cannot wait to see her sweet little face.  I hope she has big ole cheeks, because chubby babies are the cutest! 

Here is my 28 week bump! (28 weeks 6 days still counts)

Symptoms:  Just the ever growing baby bump!

Weight Gain:  17 lbs! 

Cravings:  green apples and Mexican food. . . basically always hungry

Stretch Marks:  None yet.  My skin held out during our baby moon!

Belly Button:  Still an innie, but definitely less of one.

Labor Signs:  I might have had a BH while swimming the other day, but it was hard to tell if that was just her reacting to the cool water or a BH.  Swimming in general for the first time this pregnancy felt just odd.

Exciting Happenings:  Our baby moon last week and working on the crib skirt for the nursery!

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