Friday, August 14, 2015

Eva Turns 2!!!

So, like I stated before, I'm a little behind on my updates.  But last month, our little Eva Diva turned 2 years old! I know everyone always talks about the terrible twos, but honestly the sweetness and developmental growth during this time far outweighs the occasional grumps.  She talks in full sentences now, and usually even uses the correct verb tense and pronoun.  I'm not even surprised by the things she says anymore.  She is extremely verbal, and it's so fun because we can have real conversations now and even make up jokes.  I love her spunky and feisty little personality.  Eva is so happy all of the time, and she loves to be the center of attention around the people she is close with.  She has even made a few friends at school and likes to talk about them at home.  It's so sweet, she names each one of them and calls them her "frennzz." She takes one nap a day from about 1-3:30ish, and sleeps through the night.  Recently, she started having night terrors, and those wake us up, but it doesn't take long for her to calm down and get back to normal sleep.  Sometimes it takes a little help from mommy and daddy, but she's getting a little better.  We were really concerned at first and thought she was in pain at night, but it turns out she's not even awake... it's kinda scary and creepy at the same time.  They say that stressors such as starting a new school or fevers can trigger them, and she got her first one shortly after she started school and also was sick.  We're hoping that she doesn't have them very often. Anyway, just wanted to share a few updates about our sweet girl (mostly for myself so I can look back and remember them) as well as some pictures from her mermaid/under the sea birthday party last month! 

Eva Charlotte: 2 years old
Height: 32 inches
Weight: 25 lbs
Teeth: 16
Physical abilities: walking, running, jumping, hanging from the bar at gymnastics, finally swinging on the rope all by herself, walking on the balance beam, swimming with her puddle jumper
Mental Developments: Counts to 20, knows all her colors, knows her shapes, can recognize most letters, can sing songs now, follows directions, do puzzles
Favorite food: anything sweet lol, fruit, quesadillas, cheese, yogurt, peas, pizza, all snacks
Favorite color: blue
Favorite toy: Baby Gina and her legos, also likes her puzzles 
Favorite show: Daniel Tiger and Super Why

We had some super fun decorations thanks to Pinterest and my mom :)

Little crab sandwiches

Starfish PBJ's

Clam cookies

My little water baby!

 Eva's future husband

Eva loved when we all sang Happy Birthday to her!  She now asks us to sing it several times a week just so she can blow out a candle.

My niece Bella is so creative and talented! She made Eva this adorable book about a unicorn.  She even drew pictures to go along with the story!


Trying out her new tricycle

Thankful to everyone who came to make Eva's 2nd birthday so much fun! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

I'm still here...

I realize I haven't posted in a few months.  Life got crazy, and blogging became extremely less important.  I still want to keep posting though, so I can remember all the highlights and memories of Eva growing up.  Last time I posted, we had just moved into our new house.  We are mostly settled, but we have been working on a renovations.  We really wanted to update our kitchen, since it was the original cabinets that were still in there, and they were in pretty bad shape.  We ordered new ones, and are planning on installing them this weekend.  I'm so excited! Eva and I will be moving out and staying with my parents for the week while Andy does all of the hard work :)  Guess we'll just have to spend our days lounging by the pool.

Our first tomato from our vegetable garden!

The last time I posted,  I was getting ready to start school.  Well, right before I started, we went with my family to Grand Cayman for one last hurrah before school began.  I will save those pictures for another post, but Eva had so much fun at the "vacation house!"  Some of her favorite people were there, so she was in toddler heaven.  

The biggest change in our lives lately has been me going back to school, Eva starting daycare, and Andy starting his own business.  These three things have been HUGE in our lives, and it's been a lot of work to stay on top of everything at home.  I have been extremely busy with school, between classes all day and studying all night after Eva goes to bed.  We may have had a lot of pizza, take out, and frozen vegetables for dinner.  #mommyfail.  I did really well with food prepping and cooking the first half of the summer, but it all went to pieces once Pharm and Patho started.  I know the rest of my classmates can agree that we did not have much time for anything else except for studying and class.  However, I officially completed my first semester of nursing school, and I only have 2 more semesters to go!  9 more months! 

Eva started daycare the first day I started school.  It was so sad.  I know it was hard for her to adjust and get acquainted with her new environment, especially since she only goes part time.  However, now she made some friends and is more comfortable, and she looks forward to it each week.  It's such a relief to me as a parent that she is in good hands, with good kids, and eating healthy food.  The school makes such great meals for the kids! I'm so happy that we can drop her off without her having a meltdown.  Of course, as soon as I pick her up in the evenings she bounds to me ready to leave.  But, she really does love her school and her teachers.  

Eva's first day of school... This is what she does when I ask her to smile for the camera

Lastly, amidst all the craziness, Eva turned 2!!! My baby is getting so big, and I love this age more than ever! I can't wait to share pictures from her party, but here is one before everyone arrived.  We had a mermaid/under the sea theme :)