Our 14 days clean eating challenge is over, but it was seriously amazing! I lost 2 pounds and my body felt so good! When I eat like I normally do, it's not like I feel gross. But when I started eating clean, this may be TMI, but my digestive tract never felt so clean! It was crazy. I will admit, I was actually more tired than usual, but it might've been because I wasn't getting enough snacks in. Or maybe, it was my body adjusting to the lack of sugar. Who knows. It was hard to find quick snacks that went along with our diet. I will have to do a little bit more grocery shopping and meal planning next time. Anyway, I was really looking forward to our cheat day, because it was also a welcome home dinner planned for Andy's younger brother, Sammy. Last year, Sammy joined the Air Force, and we hadn't seen him since like October! He finished basic training and his job training, so he got to pay us all a visit before he left for his base in Vegas! We are so proud of him and happy for him!
Back to eating, we kinda both fell off the clean eating wagon the past couple weeks. To be honest, I only cooked about twice in the past two weeks. Andy was gone on his 2 week AT for the military in Wyoming, so I was struggling to keep my head above water playing the role of both parents while working and going to school. I salute you single parents. You win. Seriously... omg. Actually, Eva did really well. I could tell she missed her dah-dah because the day he left, she started acting really clingy around me. Every time I put her down or leave the room, she would shriek. This is very abnormal for her too, because normally she can entertain herself for a long time! Maybe she's teething also. Who knows. Anyway, I think I cooked 2 clean meals for us the whole time he was gone, but luckily when there's only one adult eating, meals tend to last a bit longer. Luckily, my parents and Andy's parents fed me and sent me home with leftovers, so I only ended up eating out one time when Eva and I went on a mommy-daughter date one afternoon.
Unfortunately, I was also unable to make it to the gym the past 2 weeks since Andy was gone. I improvised by going for runs with the jogging stroller and doing a few at home workouts in our basement. But honestly, I just didn't find as much time to workout as often as I'm used to. The whole single parent thing seriously kicked my butt! To be fair, our days were pretty busy. We ran a few errands, went to the park A LOT, went to the pool, and played at home. But between school, work, homework, and entertaining Eva, I was too exhausted to workout at the end of the day like I normally do. Needless to say, I am so glad Andy is finally home!
We have a little cleaning out of the refrigerator to do, but as soon as the food is all gone, it's back to another clean eating challenge! I should admit, the food that we have isn't that unhealthy. In fact, last night I made a chicken and veggie lo-mein using quinoa noodles, but the noodles also have corn in them and they are processed, so that's not on our diet. Just need to make a few small adjustments, like getting rid of the lunch meat, whole wheat bread, and ice cream that may or may not have made its way in my shopping cart the other day.
Lastly, an Eva update: she's officially walking as of last week! No more baby steps for this little girl. She's a full on walking machine!