If 8 months was great, then 9 months is divine! I love my little 9 monther... she is seriously the best thing ever. I wish baby fever wasn't real, because I already want another one. If only time and money grew on trees... and sleep.
We've gotten in a pretty good routine around here (for now). Eva wakes up around 6:30, we change her and feed her a bottle. Come downstairs and she plays with her toys while we make her breakfast. Usually her breakfast consists of some sort of fruit and oatmeal mixture. Sometimes she gets a little scrambled egg yolk or cheese. After breakfast, we play with her toys on the floor and cruise along the furniture. Naptime is around 9am, and she usually sleeps 1.5-2 hours. Once she wakes up, she gets another bottle, and then we have our favorite snack time. I put on a Disney movie (for myself, since she never watches tv), and we sit on the floor on a blanket and eat snacks. This usually consists of cheese, avocado, yogurt puffs, bananas, blueberries, etc. My daughter is seriously the BEST eater... my little ham. After lunch, we do dishes, laundry, read books, and play peekaboo. She gets bored quickly, and we usually need to run some errands anyway, so we load up and do our shopping. If no shopping needs to be done, lately we've been going to the park to swing or taking out the jogger to go for a run with Apollo. Life is good around here when the weather is nice! After our outings, She gets a bottle and lays down for her second nap of the day around 1:30. This nap normally lasts between 1.5-2 hours also... but lately she has been sleeping longer. I think she is transitioning herself to only 2 naps all by herself! *HALLELUJAH CHORUS* This seriously will be amazing if she does it mainly on her own! During this nap, I usually get dinner started and I just need to finish it up for when Daddy gets home from work! As soon as she hears the garage door, she gets so excited. Her face lights up and she looks towards the door. I think she's figured out the drill because whenever Apollo goes ballistic, that means daddy's home! Dinner time is the best because it's the only meal all of us get to eat together. She pretty much eats whatever we eat, with a few additions. She always gets a fruit and veggie plus some sort of protein. There isn't much she won't eat! We finish the evening up with bath time, gum brushing, and story time. Life is good. Being a part time stay at home mom is the best situation I could have asked for. I love staying home with my baby all day long, and get to witness most if not all of her firsts! However, sometimes a girls gotta have a break, and it's nice to go to work and interact with adults in a baby free zone. I couldn't be luckier.
Ever since Eva figured out how to clap last month, she's been doing it all the time! It's so adorable, and I love it so much. Whenever we sing to her or do "patty-cake," she claps along. It melts my heart. Her favorite word is still "da-da," but "poop" is a close second. I am now referred to as "ra-ra" or "ya-ya." Whatever happened to her saying "ma?"
Eva got sick again this past week. That's why I haven't updated lately. What started off as a little cold turned into an eye infection and a double ear infection. Poor baby couldn't catch a break! She is finally on the mend, and we are both looking forward to getting out of the house. Unfortunately, she has spread her little germs to daddy and me, so we are struggling to feel better as well. I swear, having kids really takes a toll on your immune system!! I don't know if it's the lack of sleep or extra germs they seem to pick up from random places, but I have gotten sick more times since she's been born than I have since high school. Could be the fact that I work in a hospital too, and am surrounded by sick and diseased people all day. Who knows! Hoping to stay healthy the rest of this year though *crosses fingers.*
Looking forward to celebrating Easter this weekend. I really want to take Eva to see the Easter bunny (more for my sentimental benefit of having a picture), but we will see if time allows. I don't want to take her when she is still sick because I don't want to be "that mom." It would tick me off if my kid got sick from someone else's sick kid sitting on the Easter bunny's lap, so I will keep her away until she's better. She's too young to enjoy an egg hunt, but of course she is going to get her very own Easter basket. At this age, it's mostly going to consist of things she can use like sunglasses, bath toys, socks, and books... I will also add some cute bunny ears and maybe a springy outfit like this one I found online at gymboree.com - - -
Lastly, I will share a few of Eva's favorites as well as some pics!
Favorite foods: string cheese, avocados, blueberries, and yogurt puffs
Favorite books: Birds (a picture book with all kinds of birds), Little Bat (a finger puppet book), Tails (a touch and feel book)
Favorite songs: the alphabet song and Itsy Bitsy Spider
Favorite toys: My laptop, Apollo's bone, water bottles, and my rubber wine stem flower charms
Favorite stuffed animals: Seahorse and Henrietta the giraffe (she looooves to give them kisses). In the middle of the night, sometimes I will hear her wake up in her crib. She will roll until she finds Seahorse (he's a glow worm), press his belly to turn him on and go back to sleep. It's precious! Thank you Grandma Jackson for this awesome toy!
8-9 month pictures
Hi, Mom! I'm 9 months now!
Learning to stand with the support of a door behind her
Just practicing pulling up and sitting back down
My big girl sitting in her rocking chair all by herself
Just because ... seriously!? Her legs are deliciously adorable
My very own strawberry!
Post dinner face
A day in the park. Life is grand!
Chillin at Auntie Kate's!
Her best friend, Apollo
Sometimes I just like to hang out, okay mom? Seriously, she does this like 50 times a day.
I can drink all by myself... except I never ever do this!
Play time!
Sick baby at her 9 month appointment
Spoiled baby and one of her adorable Easter baskets from Grandma!
Breakfast... need I say more?