Friday, February 22, 2013

18 weeks

At 18 weeks, our little cupcake is the size of a bell pepper! Or a sweet potato.... whichever sounds better to you at the moment.  I've already made 3 food references in less than 2 lines.  Can you tell food is on my mind?  I feel like I am constantly hungry.  Baby must be going through a growth spurt, because lately I can't eat enough! 

After those first few little nudges I felt last week, I went about 3 days without feeling any movement.  But then all of the sudden in class Thursday night, I felt another flick!  Then a jab, and a tickle.  It made me so happy and relieved to know baby is still moving around in there.  Every once in a while, I think I feel a little bubble or poke.  I'm still not 100% sure if it's baby or just me imagining things.

Maybe this is all in my head, but I'm beginning to feel the effects of pregnancy on my workouts.  I feel like I tire out quicker, can't run as fast, or keep as good of form/posture when I run and lift.  Not to mention I have to take frequent potty breaks mid-burpees and squat jumping.  Did anyone else ever experience workout fatigue this early on?  Am I just being a wimp?  I feel like I am not showing enough to feel the effects of my center of gravity shifting, but after running the same way for over 10 years, I definitely feel a difference.  Working out while pregnant really makes you appreciate working out while not pregnant.

Tomorrow is the Sand Mine Challenge!  Not really sure what to expect, but bracing myself for a disappointing time.  I don't feel like I should be weaving in and out of people  and pushing myself to my limits in order to try and catch the people in front of me due to my own competitiveness and vanity.  We will see :)  I will focus on doing what's best for baby and me. 

This week, my bump finally started to make its debut!  Still in that awkward phase of just looking out of shape and chubby, but getting close to having a real bump.  In the next few weeks, I anticipate a rude stranger coming up and asking if I'm pregnant.  I think I will be totally overjoyed and totally offended at the same time.  Who knows, I might break down crying just to make them feel bad, say something rude right back, or jump up and down and hug them.  I am beginning to realize that pregnancy makes you unpredictable.  Alas, the 18 week bump!

I noticed when I turned to face the camera a little more, you could see the bump better :)

Symptoms: Inexplicable road rage, always hungry, and harder workouts

Weight Gain: 6 pounds total!

Cravings:  Still look forward to my Oatmeal Square cereal with diced nectarines every morning, as well as pizza, pretzels, and french dip sandwiches

Gender Prediction:  Girl

Clothing:  Now up to 2 pairs of jeans using the Bella Band

Exciting happenings:  Race day tomorrow, feeling more movement, and anatomy scan in just over a week!

Friday, February 15, 2013

17 weeks

This was such an amazing week! So many exciting things happened (besides Valentine's Day!) --

Monday I went to my 16 week appointment.  Same old routine:  Check in, sit down, pick up a magazine, get called to go back by the nicest nurses :) Step on the scale, sit down, take blood pressure, get sent to the bathroom, pee in a cup, bring it back to the nurse, walk back to your examining room, and wait for the doctor.  I was excited because I had a whole list of questions and things I wanted to talk to the doctor about when he got there.  All that was forgotten when he was listening to the baby's heartbeat.  He said the strange noise that was coming from the doppler was the baby kicking him! I about fell off the examining table from excitement.  It made the pregnancy seem even more real and made me even more anxious to start feeling those little kicks. 

After composing myself, I did get to ask my questions and then was sent on my way for more blood work.  Not before I was able to set up my mid-pregnancy ultrasound... yay!  Me and hubby can't wait for that next appointment!  This time when they took blood, they did a Quad Screen, which tests for birth defects such as neural tube defects, Down Syndrome, and trisomy 18.  So far, so good!  Tests came back negative, so I was one happy camper.

On Wednesday, just two days after my doctor's appointment, I felt the baby move for the very first time! It felt like someone flicked my abdomen from the inside! Forget feeling like butterflies are in your stomach, I got full out roundhouse kicked!  It was amazing, and it definitely made this Valentine's Day that much sweeter. At night, I have been trying to sit very quietly to see if I can feel anymore movements.  I have only felt one more, but it was so endearing just the same.  Also, just hours later, my Valentine's Day present arrived early on my doorstep making me an emotional mess after reading the simple but sweet card.

Thursday, my sister and I made it over to my parents' house for our annual scavenger hunt.  My mom is so creative and witty! Plus, we got some great loot :)

On to the baby:  At 17 weeks, Baby I is the size of a turnip! Roughly 5 inches long now, baby's cartilage is now hardening to form bones! Baby I is even beginning to form sweat glands, and the umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker.  Bring on the baby bump!

Symptoms:  Still weird dreams, but the morning sickness is basically gone! Can feel my belly starting to round out a little bit more too. It will be nice to finally look pregnant instead of just chubby

Weight Gain:  Up almost 5 lbs. total

Cravings:  Chex Mix and other salty foods.  Lately, my breakfast in the mornings has been Oatmeal Square cereal with a diced nectarine.... mmmm! 

Exciting happenings:  Felt the baby move! Running in the Sand Mine Challenge next Saturday.  Also, I signed Andy and myself up for classes in May! We will be taking a 6 week course covering labor and delivery, newborn and childcare, and nursing.  Andy asked, "Do I have to go to the breastfeeding class?" LOL 

Gender Prediction:  Girl

Clothing:  I can still fit in all but one of my pairs of jeans.  That pair, I use the Bella Band and rubberband technique.  I did buy some cute tops this week for spring time :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone! And what a great Valentine's Day it's already been!  Now at 17 weeks, I felt the baby move inside me for the first time!  It felt like a little nudge or flick from the inside!  Much more than the little butterflies in the stomach that is normally described.  Also, today has been extra wonderful because I have been munching on the Shari's Berries and chocolate and caramel covered pretzels that arrived on my doorstep yesterday.

Valentine's Day is such a great holiday.  Whether you have a significant other or not, today is a day to show everyone close to you that you love them and appreciate them.  My puppy is getting a can of wet doggie food tonight for his special treat. Whether it be your parents, siblings, children, spouse, or pet, show them a little extra love today!  Just remember to be kind to all today.  Holidays tend to be more difficult times for people going through hard times or have endured a recent loss.  

More on my 17 week progress later this week.  Lots of other exciting things to share.  In the mean time, Happy Valentine's Day to my Best Friend and our "little nub-nub!"

Sunday, February 10, 2013

16 Weeks

Hello 4 months! This has been an interesting week.  I finally told all my clients that I was expecting, so that is a huge load off my chest.  They were all very excited and of course had a lot of questions and advice :)  Also, I signed up for the Cottleville Truffle Shuffle this past weekend!  It was a 4 mile race, and at the end you get hot chocolate, a chocolate medal, and there is a chocolate fondue fountain!

Unfortunately, at 3:30 am on the morning of the race, I woke up with a stomach virus! Apparently it's been going around, and I happened to catch it.  Needless to say, I did not get to run in the race.  Super disappointed.  Even while throwing up at 5:30 am, I was still hoping I was going to feel better in time to make the race by 8:30.  Definitely didn't happen.  Instead, I spent the next 24 hours puking non-stop.  My mom brought over a bunch of low sugar gatorades to prevent dehydration and loss of electrolytes.  If only I had been able to keep it down! I was so worried about Baby I, but my doctor said not to worry until it had been 36 hours of not being able to keep anything in my stomach.  Most people with this flu said it took about 48-72 hours to clear up.  When I heard that, I got really discouraged.  I was already feeling terrible with the worst body aches and nausea I have ever had.  Morning sickness was nothing compared to this!  Luckily, I got some sleep last night, and I managed to keep everything down today.  I am hoping I am over the worst, and it can only get better from here on out.

Now, on to happier news! I hope I didn't make you sick listening to me talk about throwing up.  At 16 weeks, Baby I is the size of an avocado!!! The bones are forming in the ears now, so the baby will be able to start picking up sounds and voices! Still haven't felt any movement yet, but I am getting more and more anxious for those first little flutters.  Also, baby has formed taste buds, and will be able to detect different flavors in the amnionic fluid.  How crazy is that?

This week, before I got the stomach virus, was the best I've felt my whole pregnancy.  While I am still exhausted (especially in the afternoons), the morning sickness is all but non-existent!  I have gotten into the routine of taking a nap almost every day.  I simply can't find a pillow fast enough in the afternoons and evenings.  Dinner has gone unmade several times this week due to my inability to wake up in time. That about wraps this week up! Here is my 16 week baby bump:

Symptoms: fatigue, mood swings (sometimes ridiculously ecstatic and other times overwhelmed and frustrated), and dreams of people from my past and childhood

Weight Gain: None. I think I was up 1 pound from last week, but after that nasty flu I am back down a few pounds.

Cravings: Mexican food, grilled sandwiches, and plums

Exciting happenings:  I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow!

Nursery Progress: None this week :(  Just millions of ideas from Pinterest!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

15 Weeks

A lot of great things this week! Baby Ingrassia is the size of an orange! I can definitely tell our little nugget is growing in there. I think I took about 5 naps this week alone! Additionally, I have had a lot of abdominal muscle pain the past few days.  It feels like I tried to drink wayyy too much water and my stomach is attempting to stretch to fit.  Not the most comfortable feeling, but it's exciting to think about our little nugget growing in there! The nausea is continuing to dwindle, although not gone completely (still grateful!). 

Secondly, we bought our crib and changing table this week!  Sooooo excited!  My daddy came over on Saturday and helped me put everything together also, so our boring guest room is starting to look more like a nursery!  It makes me so happy to think that someday, there will be a mini-me sleeping in there.

Also this week, it switched from January to February.  I can hardly believe how fast this year is already flying by!  I love the month of February.  Despite my obvious distaste for winter and cold temps, February is one of my favorite months.  Reasons? :
1.  Last full month of winter!
2.  Superbowl falls in February
3.  My half birthday is in Feburary :)
4.  Primrose (and violet) is February's flower (any Hunger Games fans out there?)
5.  And my favorite of all---- Valentine's Day is this month!

Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays... 2nd favorite to be exact, a close second to 4th of July.  Why, you ask?  Besides having an excuse to celebrate the love you share with your significant other, growing up it was the best!  In school, we always got to decorate our own Valentine's mailboxes and hand out candy and cute cards to everyone.  Plus, the day was filled with fun crafts and activities and snacks. It was the best!  Plus, when else can red and pink look so amazing together? Also, our daddy used to have a little heart chocolate box waiting for us in the morning when we woke up.... so sweet!  Lastly, what makes Valentine's Day so special is our annual scavenger hunt.  Every year, my mom puts together a mini scavenger hunt complete with rhyming limerick clues and fantastic loot at the end.  It's... The.... Best!

Back to our little Mediterrasian, here is their 15 week closeup!

Symptoms: stomach muscle pain, soooo tired, 24/7 potty breaks, crying while watching sappy Youtube videos, and very odd dreams

Weight Gain:  according to my scale: 3 1/2 lbs

Cravings:  Chipotle burritos, Orange Leaf frozen yogurt

Any Movement:  haven't felt anything yet, but am getting excited!